This presentation will cover the Elder Abuse and Dependent Adult Civil Protection Act and the different remedies available in probate and civil courts. The presentation will also discuss the evidence needed to successfully prove a financial elder abuse case.
Jack B. Osborn, a partner with the Law Firm of Brown White & Newhouse, LLP, is the President-elect of the San Bernardino County Bar Association. Mr. Osborn’s practice largely encompasses probate, conservatorships and guardianships where he focuses on issues related to trust and estate litigation, financial elder abuse, and child abuse. Other activities of Mr. Osborn include serving as the Chief Financial Officer of the Conference of California Bar Associations, a statewide organization dedicated to presenting new legislation in Sacramento affecting the practice of law. Presently one of Mr. Osborn’s bills dealing with mental health conservatorships is before the legislature as AB 1725 sponsored by Assembly Member Maienschein of San Diego with passage expected this spring.
Attendance Fee:
$10.00 (ICAP/CAPA Member Price / Student Price)
$20.00 (Non-Member/Non-Student Price)
Address: ICAP, P.O. Box 143, Riverside, California 92502-0143 Email: info@icaponline.orgTerms and Conditions
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