Join ICAP for the 2017 Holiday Party
CLICK HERE for the Full Flyer
Each year ICAP donates monies received from attendees to a chosen charity. This year the Food Bank of Community Action Partnership of San Bernardino was chosen for our November MCLE proceeds, and we are continuing our support with ICAP's holiday party. Those who are unable to attend but still wish to contribute to this great cause, can do so by DONATING HERE.
PLEASE NOTE: This is a change in venue from last year's ICAP holiday party. This year's party will take place at Sam’s Bann Thai Restaurant, located at 3203 Mission Inn Avenue, Riverside, CA 92507.
Address: ICAP, P.O. Box 143, Riverside, California 92502-0143 Email: info@icaponline.orgTerms and Conditions
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